Download the image below, and follow these super easy steps to get an all access pass to the most exclusive monster events. These can be frightfully fun name tags or party favors, they make every little ghoul feel like a star.
**The image above is my rendition of of the V.I.M. badge art found on the music festival boxes. It is far from exact, but it's the best I could come up with. On the dolls the background image appears to be flipped, personally I like the box art. Frights, Camera, Action Operetta is wearing one in black. Feel free to alter it, to make it suit your vision better. **
Step 1:
Print your badge, it should download at 300 dpi and be about 4.125"x 4.125". If it doesn't resize the image. If you are printing more than one make sure to do a test run. The pink on my screen vs. the printer was quite off at first.
Step 2:
After printing your badge carefully cut along the outside black lines, or cut off the black lines depending on your preference. Cut out all holes using a X-acto knife.
Step 3:
Laminate the Badge. Don't laminate the badge before cutting it out, or the lamination will be more likely to peel apart.
Step 4:
Re-cut the sides, and holes
Step 5:
Select a cord, either black or white depending on your event. Loop the cord through the long middle whole. Tie the cord around your neck adjusting for your preferred fit. Mine is about 34" long. Cut your cord to length and seal the ends. My cord is synthetic, so I can seal the ends by melting them with my fire
breath. If you aren't temporarily fused with a dragon, or your fibers are natural (like
cotton) you might want to use some glue to seal the ends.
Voila~ you now have your very own all access pass into the creepiest events. Now the only question is what killer outfit are you going to wear?!
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